viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017


Travelling to another country with a suitcase for two months isn´t easy,so this blog post is going to be about my travel from Asturias to my new home in Austria. My mother came with me to the airport of Asturias to catch the first flight to Madrid. It isn’t an enormous airport so it wasn’t difficult to find it. The only problem was that my suitcase weighed weighed 30 kg   (two months of your life into a suitcase isn’t easy…), and the maximum was 23 kg, but we divided my baggage into two suitcases. As an anecdote, at the boarding room I was seated next to the Auryn Singer, I don’t like his music much, but it was a funny moment. The first flight was short (one hour more or less) and
I arrived in Madrid at 14:15. Madrid airport is one of the biggest in Europe, but (to my surprise)I didn´t get lost and I could catch my plane on time. This second flight had some problems: the first problem was  an enormous man seated next to me, I couldn’t see  anything apart from his belly!
Then the flight got delayed. The last problem was that the man who was seated behind me didn’t like planes much and he was very nervous so he was always talking a bit loud, almost shouting and it was a bit stressful. I arrived at Viena airport and after a long time waiting for my suitcases finally I met part of my new family. Isabelle and Tobias were waiting for me there. It took us one hour and a half to drive from Viena to their house. It was a funny travel talking about ourselves and things about Spain and Austria. We arrived at their house very late so their three children were tired (the same as me) and sleeping. I met them better the next day. Their names are Sebastian (16 years old), Anna (14 years old) and Jonas (12 years old). It has been a hard experience, (I am writing this on Sunday and I’m  still tired) but I think this experience in Ausria is going to be good for me.  On Monday, 25th, I am going to start to attend HTL Perg, my new high school! I am going to inform you about my Austrian experience on this blog, so see you soon!
Gabriel Sánchez Poyal 1st Bachiller.

9 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Gabriel. I liked your blog post... I hope you enjoy your Austiam experience! Good luck! Rafa

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  3. Hi Gabirel,
    I'm Manuel, I loved your blog especially because you tell us all the experiences that you have been living since you left asturias, for example when you saw the auryn singer, you asked for a photo, did not you? In any case this experience will be of the most special in your life, hope you are enjoying it. Bye

    PS I'm waiting impatiently for your next blog

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  5. Hi Gabi,
    I'm Mauro and I have some questions about your experience
    What do you think about Austrian culture? Is it very different than the Spanish culture?
    Is the weather similar as in Asturias?
    Do you miss your family and friends? How is your host family treating you?
    Your experiences there must be quite interesting. In class, we miss you.
    Waiting to see you.

  6. Hi Gabi!
    I'm sergio, I really like your blog it's very interesting and I'm waiting impatiently for your next post. Here in asturias everything is the same: Alicia still doesn't open the sports center during the breaks, Marioli keep sending us hundreds of homework and the Sporting de Gijón football team continues winning games and fighting fot the ascent to the first division.
    I hope you enjoy your experience!
    We're missing you a lot in class!
    All the best,

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  8. Hi Gabi, I'm Enol. I already finished reading your blog and I think it's very interesting. How is your life there ? What are the pricipal differences between Spain and Austria? Are you enjoying your stay there?
    Im waiting to see you again.

  9. Bravo,valiente.
    Entiendo todo lo que escribes,valeeeee,casi todo.
    Aquí te esperamos. DISFTRUTA
    un abrazo.
    Mª Fe Vialás.
